What is worth buying in Turkey?

When we already know that our next holiday destination will be Turkey it is worth making a shopping list before. And it’s not about the list of presents that we bring to friends and family. The shopping list I am thinking about is something that is worth bringing back from Turkey to your home in order to be able to feel this wonderful atmosphere of Turkey more easily when the holidays are over. When we sit at home and start telling stories about our wonderful vacation in Turkey. About what beach we rested on, what we did, where did we traveled, etc. A properly prepared shopping list before departure will make it more easy and pleasant.

What to bring home from Turkey?

It doesn’t matter if we are in Turkey for the first time or we are coming here for holiday every year and we feel here like home. Shopping is always worth doing. My standard shopping list looks as follows:

  • Pomegranate syrup. I can’t imagine salads or even desserts without pomegranate syrup. You can buy it in stores and at the local bazar. You can fall in love with it.
  • As long as it will not be apple tea, which Turks don’t really drink. Apple tea is intended for tourists. Real Turkish tea is black, hot and extremely aromatic. Moreover, it is served in glasses resembling a tulip flower.
  • Tahini or sesame paste. Fact, you can buy it without much problem in your country but this turkish one is definitely better and it is definitely much cheaper than the one available in your markets. It is perfect for baking, sandwiches or desserts.
  • All lovers of this sweet delicacy feel like in paradise in Turkey. There are so many types of halva that everyone will find something suitable for themselves. Halva with nuts? Here you are! Halva with pistachios? Naturally. Halva with cocoa? Here you go! Every kind under the sun.
  • Nobody can come back from Turkey without spices. We will meet huge selection of spices at every bazar. But also in classic stores you can choose between different spices. Their prices are very low and the quality is better than the spices available in domestic stores. Different types of peppers, cumin, sumac, dried mint are just some of the spices that are worth buying.

Once we do the shopping we can go back to the beach. When we come back from holidays, we will be able to easily recall those pleasant moments that we spend in Turkey. With a little ingenuity our holidays will never end. Salad with pomegranate syrup, aromatic tea, sweet halva and we feel like on holidays again.

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