What is hammam?

Hammam is one of the places that has to be visited during our holiday in Turkey . Visiting this magnificent, filled with mysteries  and marble place, tourist usually begin their holidays. It is a kind of ritual from which they become addicted. After  checking  in at the hotel they look for the nearest hammam, which will allow them to start their holiday well.

Jokes aside, turkish hammam is a steam bath and it is the successor of famous roman baths. As you can see, hammam has antique roots and it is not an invention of our modern times. Best part about  it is that until now the baths have survived almost unchanged and by using them now we can feel the same as people felt centuries ago.

Is it worth using a hammam?

The answer to this question is affirmative. Hammam relaxes perfectly and in addition makes the later tan more lasting and provides a nicer shade. It is true that now hammam has no such strong cultural role and is perceived rather as a place dedicated to hygienic and cosmetic treatments. In tourist destinations places like this are focused mainly on customer service.

How to use a hammam?

You could write the whole book about how to use a hammam. We will focus here only on basic information. The most important thing is that we should completely forget about hurry. A two-hour stay in a turkish bath is the norm. Much depends on our current fettle.  At the moments  we feel weak it is recommended to take short break in a colder place. It can be a cloakroom, a corridor or a place where it is colder.

The course of a typical visit to the hammam:

  • Half an hour stay in the sauna – the body relaxes, sooths and warms up
  • Cold shower – a sudden change in body temperature stimulates the immune system
  • Star attraction – marble bath, where the body is massaged with special gloves that removes dead skin. Of course, this treatment is carried out by the bathhouse staff.
  • Washing with soap foam and with special soap.
  • Finally, it’s time for a massage.

Of course, visits may vary depending on the offer of  hammam that we chose. Therefore, before going to the turkish bath it is worth checking what awaits us. By booking a visit online you can find out all the necessary information.

The same rule applies when it comes to making reservations at the local travel agency. It’s better to trust an offer from a trusted travel agency than trying to find a good hamman on your own. Especially when we don’t have time to thoroughly check the offer. Local travel agencies serve many clients and they  know very well which places is worth visiting. And those are the places to which they send their  tourists.

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