Warm and sunny countries in December – where to go?

When colorful autumn is just a memory and we have to get use to see winter dates in the calendar, we are often beginning to miss the beach and the sun. We start longing for summer. In this moment an idea of a few day holidays appears in our heads. We dream to find ourselves in a warm, sunny country and just lie down on the beach.  But what is the best place to go to fully enjoy the beautiful weather, warm sea and come back with a wonderful tan?

Turkey in December

Unfortunately, December in Turkey will not allow you to fully enjoy high temperatures. The reason is simple. In December, temperatures in Turkey are not low but for sure there is no heat either. Temperature oscillates around 20 degrees but sometimes thermometer can show temperatures below 10 degrees, especially at night. It is warmer than in Europe, you can even swim in the sea and try to sunbathe, but don’t count on everyday sunny weather and basking in the sun.

Turkey in December is a great choice for a holiday for everyone who wants to change the environment, take a long walks, enjoy the warmth and not spent a lot of money.  There is a lot of people like that because Turkey is very often visited in December. It has its own charm and there are people who can’t imagine spending their holidays elsewhere.

Which tropical countries should you choose?

If Turkey is not what you are looking for, where should you go for December holidays? Which countries guarantee us a great tan and the possibility of summer rest in December. Summer vacation in winter is a great thing. There are a lot of countries that will provide us witch truly tropical atmosphere.  For example:

  • Egypt
  • Dominican Republic
  • Kenya
  • Cuba
  • Thailand
  • Seychelles
  • Maldives
  • Zanzibar
  • Indonesia
  • Costa Rica

Where is the best place to go? As usually that depends on our private preferences and our money resources. It is well known that some of the exotic places require more money. Winter trips to tropical countries can cost a lot and we can’t always afford them. However, there is a chance that if we start preparing for such holidays earlier, we can find an offer that will be within our capabilities. And then we will enjoy a wonderful holiday in one of the hot, tropical countries.

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