Is Pamukkale worth visiting?

Some people going to Turkey for a holiday prefer an active leisure time. They choose optional trips and visit local attractions that given country has to offer. Some people like to visit everything and go to almost all available optional excursions. But there are also people who choose their trips carefully trying to get to know all the pros and cons of a tour. Regarding the answer to the question of whether it is worth visiting Pamukkale it is obviously positive. There are a lot of reasons to visit this great place. But let’s start from the beginning.

What does the name Pamukkale mean?

The name Pamukkale is strange to us and we are thinking about its meaning. It is known that this is the name of the village but we feel that it must mean something. In the translation from Turkish, Pamukkale means the Cotton Castle. All you need is a glance at the calcareous terraces to understand that the name is very accurate and 100% reflects reality. Comparison of terraces to cotton is almost obvious.

Are limestone terraces under protection?

It is worth knowing that the Pamukkale limestone terraces are located within the national park. You can watch them but you can not enter them. Tourists were given a specially prepared route. A new path has been created  together with a few with concrete pools. These pools are now completely covered with limestone sediments. Thanks to this artificial route, it is almost indistinguishable from real and protected limestone terraces. Its advantage is that it is fully available to tourists.

You can enter these terraces, swim in pools, sit on the edge. You can simply take full advantage of them. It’s worth seeing because the view is unforgettable. Optional trips to Pamukkale are very popular and we can get there in an organized and safe way. If we choose the appropriate travel agency, we will get there safe and in the care of our tour guide. Thanks to that, the trip will be much more pleasant and will provide us with many pleasant experiences. We will also get to know the history of the region better.

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