How to buy an e-visa to Turkey via the Internet?

You probably already know that a visa is needed to enter Turkey. We have already written about it in the entry – Do you need a passport and visa for Turkey? – in which the visa rules have been clearly explained. But it is worth mentioning in detail how we can buy a visa to Turkey. The most convenient way to use the Internet and buy an e-visa on a website specially prepared for this purpose.

How to conveniently buy an e-visa for Turkey?

The purchase of a tourist visa to Turkey is unfortunately our responsibility. Fortunately, everyone who applies for it will get a visa. This is a kind of payment for entering Turkey. You can also buy a visa on arrival at the airport, but it is more expensive then. Therefore, it is more convenient to buy a visa on the official website.

Anyone who wants to buy a vise without queues and without trouble should go to This is the official Turkish site where we buy a visa. What’s important, in order to purchase a visa we must have either a credit card or a debit card. Unfortunately, other forms of payment are not supported. Nowadays, this is not a problem because almost everyone has cards that they use on a daily basis.

The site is fully prepared for tourists from many countries. Everything is in our native language and no one should have difficulty passing through subsequent forms. Everything is intuitive and as simple as shopping at the online store. Each step is also well described and no one should have problems with choosing the right options.

Do you need to print an e-visa?

There is no obligation to print an e-visa. After purchasing it, it should be automatically added to our passport. And in the vast majority of cases it is. However, it is nevertheless worth printing out. The printed e-visa will come in handy at the moment when there will be some kind of problem at the airport during check-in. It does not happen often, but with a printed e-visa we will feel much more secure. So it is worth printing a visa to Turkey and go for our holidays without any unnecessary  concerns.

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