Is holiday in Turkey good idea?

Holidays in Turkey. For some a wonderful experience and almost an annual pleasant duty. For others, something they will not think about. They will not think for many reasons. For fear of cultural differences, language barrier, uncertainty about security, no passport or fear of flying.

While there is nothing we can do with the lack of a passport, aside from advise on making this document as soon as possible, we may try to dispel other fears. After all Turkey is a holiday paradise and it is too bad that someone can’t experience it.

Why I should spend my holidays in Turkey?

Fear of flying is worth overcoming. It is well known that air transport is one of the safest. Flying by plane is safe and pleasant. We get on the plane and after a while we land on the spot. A huge saving of time. We would drive a few days by car.

When it comes to security, the tourist regions of Turkey are very safe. We can explore, party, sunbathe on the beach, go to discos. It’s safe everywhere. Very safe. Often safer than in our home cities.

The language barrier doesn’t really exist. We will communicate everywhere without having to speak a foreign language. We can do it via sign language or by buying optional trips at local travel agencies. Your compatriots are working there and you can buy trips with native language guides. There are also supermarkets in Turkey, so we can buy chips, beer or sweets without language skills. We take a basket, look at prices, put products in the basket, check the display at the register and pay. Simple.

There are of course some cultural differences but is difficult to see them in tourist destinations. There, tourists can do literally everything. Well, there are certain standards, of course, but it’s enough to behave normally and there will be no problems. Nobody chases off  fans of topless sunbathing from the beach. No one offends scantily clad girls. It is very pleasant, holiday atmosphere. Everyone is extremely helpful.

And what is most important. Holidays in Turkey is a guarantee of great weather. The sun tans all the time, the sea is clean and warm and the beaches aren’t so much crowded. All the good stuff. All you have to do is come to Turkey for holidays.

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