Advantages of the Turkish bath

Turkish bath also known as hammam is a perfect place where you can relax, get away and cleanse yourselfe. The interior of traditional Turkish bath is marble,  and this marble is evenly heated. The ceiling has the form of a dome and thanks to this condensed water flows down without any problem. The bath has a humidity of up to 100% and the temperature range from 30 to 60 degrees. In modern saunas with temperature can be even higher.

We can spend there even few hours. Our body gradually heats and cools after treatments. It is worth knowing that the baths are, by definition, a meeting place and there is a lively social life in them. People meet in them, talk, and undergo caring treatments.

The advantages of hammam

The basic advantages of a Turkish bath include the fact that the whole body is gradually warming up. Thanks to this, the body regeneration improves, especially after hard training, work, injuries. It is ideal especially for people who train hard because it eliminates muscle loads and facilitates getting rid of lactic acid from the body, relieves stress and fatigue.

Staying in a Turkish bath improves blood circulation and also has a beneficial effect on slimming processes. Research has shown that a systematic visits in a hammam facilitates the cleavage of fat cells and, consequently, slimming.

It is not without significance that hamam affects the improvement of metabolism, opens pores on the skin and facilitates the removal of dead skin. As a result, the skin is cleansed and properly cared. It also affects relieving stress, strengthening the cardiovascular system and even improves the functioning of the respiratory system.

When it’s better to avoid the Turkish bath

It would seem that the use of baths has only advantages and is dedicated to almost everyone. However, it is not. Because not everyone can use it safely. It is not recommended for:

  • pregnant women,
  • people with respiratory diseases such as tuberculosis or asthma,
  • in the case of dermatological diseases that use a humid environment for their development.

If we have doubts as to whether we can use a hammam or not, it is worth getting a doctor’s opinion beforehand.

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