Which currency should I bring to Turkey?

We usually prepare for our holidays much earlier. We decide which corner of the world we will visit. Once we set it up, we have to think about many important things. But the most important question we should answer is which currency to take to Turkey. Of course on the condition that it is Turkey that we chose  for our holidays.

What is the currency of Turkey?

It is worth knowing that the Turkish currency is Turkish Lira, which is divided into 100 kurus (kurush). Both coins and banknotes are in circulation. As for coins, there are denominations of 5, 10, 25 kurus and 1 lira in circulation. However, in the case of banknotes, we will meet the denominations: 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200 liras. It’s simple and it takes just a moment to get familiar witch Turkish currency.

Which currency should I bring to Turkey?

Since we already know what is the official Turkish currency, it’s time to think about which currency  we should take with us. Euro, dollar, lira, pound, zloty? There are many different theories but one thing is certain. In Turkish tourist destinations we can easily exchange any currency for lira. Well almost every. You can also use dollars and euros as well,  without necessity  to exchange them.

IMPORTANT NOTE! It is not worth taking zloty with you to Turkey because the exchange here is very, very unfavorable.

Prices in Turkey are given in Turkish Lira. However,  according  to region we are in, prices can also be shown  in euros or british pounds. You can use them without any problems in most of the stores. Due to the fact that inflation in Turkey has been stopped, some sellers prefer taking lira. That doesn’t mean they will not accept a different currency though.

On the payments with currencies other than lira, it should be taken into account that the seller may have problems with issuing the rest. He can issue the rest in liras or add some extra articles. That is why it is always worth having smaller denominations. It is best to use local currency however. Less trouble.

Where to exchange dollars or euros into liras?

We are exchanging dollars, euros, pounds into lira in exchange offices. They are very well marked. On the storefronts we will find actual conversion rates for currencies. We can communicate there in any language. Before exchanging money, it is worth checking exchange rates at various exchange offices, because some differences may appear and check if there is a commission for exchange. In tourist destinations it is a rarity but it is always worth checking. In smaller towns prices can be identical in different exchange offices. Interestingly, foreign tourists are not cheated on exchange (as it sometimes took place in Poland) and most commonly there is no commission charged.

Card payment in Turkey and cash withdrawals from ATMs

In Turkey you will find many places where you can pay using credit cards. You can use this way of payment  in most of stores. Even during shopping at the bazaar you can pay by card in many cases. However  in smaller  local restaurants, located further from city center or the beach there may be a problem with card payments.

Withdrawing money from ATM’ s is easy. Liras or euros can be withdrawn from the ATM’s easily. A lot of ATM’s  have air conditioning and sometimes we can go there only to cool off.

Payments for optional trips

When it comes to the purchase of optional excursions, there is no problem here. The best local travel agencies easily accept payments in almost every currency. More information can be found on the websites of specific travel agencies e.g.  alanyaonlinetrips.com, which is a local travel agency servicing the Alanya region and its surroundings.

In Summary

The answer to the question which currency bring to Turkey really depends on the traveler’s preferences. It doesn’t matter if we take euros, dollars or pounds with us – we will easily exchange them for Turkish lira. With a credit card, we can easily withdraw liras or euro from the ATM. You can also take liras with you if you can buy them favourably. Taking zlotys to exchange them here is very unprofitable. Best thing to do is to exchange the currency for Turkish lira when you arrive, because liras will always be useful for us here. We can use them to pay everywhere. In stores, on the beach, at the disco. And the rates are much more advantageous. In places where prices are given in liras, by paying with other currency, we pay more.

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