What medicines I should take to Turkey?

During our holiday preparations, it is worth considering what medicines to take with us. Often, we are traveling to the other end of the world and it is worth remembering to take medicines that we may need. It would seem that everywhere we can buy a given medicine without any problem. Unfortunately, it doesn’t have to be so easy. And that is why it is worth to pack the right medicines.

How to buy medicines in Turkey?

In Turkey, we will easily buy any known medicine. And we will buy them even if we do not have a prescription. Yes, we can buy medicines in Turkey without a prescription. We buy them, of course, in a pharmacy. There are many pharmacies in Turkey. You can get the impression that they are at every step. Wanting to find a pharmacy, let’s look for big, red letters E. The letter E is an abbreviation of the word ECZANE, or pharmacy.

It is worth knowing that you can buy not only medicines in a Turkish pharmacy. There are also cosmetics, drugstore articles, articles for children and sometimes even food products. We do not have to be afraid of the language barrier, because in most pharmacies we will communicate in English. Sometimes however it can be a bit dangerous. When it comes to popular medicines, we will communicate easily, but in the case of some specialized treatments, there can be some mistakes. Therefore, people treating chronic diseases and systematically taking medications should take them out of their country. Of course, when we run out of medicine, it’s enough to take a packaging with you and buy it in a Turkish pharmacy with no problem.

What medications to take with you on holiday to Turkey?

When choosing a holiday to Turkey, it is worth taking with you medicines that we systematically take. Thanks to this, we will not have to look for a pharmacy. Having our own medicines, we feel safer and do not interrupt the treatment. But in addition to the medicines we take on a daily basis, it is also worth taking other medicines. In you handy first aid kit you should have:

  • Throat pain tablets. It may seem strange, but the sore throat affects most tourists. This is for many reasons. Air conditioning system can be set too low, cold drinks also may cause a sore throat. Most often it is not dangerous. It is only uncomfortable and causes discomfort. That’s why it is worth having with you tablets or preparations for a sore throat. They can be very useful.
  • Painkillers and antipyretics or anti-inflammatories. If the throat starts to hurt, there is a chance that we will start to feel cold symptoms. In this case, it is worth having the appropriate resources in the first aid kit. When it comes to painkillers, everyone can have a headache. And there is nothing worse than a headache on vacation. It is worth to think about it early enough.
  • Plasters and bandages. You can cut yourself anytime, anywhere. Even on vacation. That’s why it’s worth having a set of patches with you. They are useful in the case of cuts or abrasions. Very often our feet are exposed to abrasions. Is it because of uncomfortable shoes or barefoot running on the beach. We can always cut ourselves, or even twist an ankle, for example. That is why it is worth having a set of patches and some bandage. They do not weigh much, and in a critical situation they are very useful.
  • Antispasmodic and antibacterial drugs. Useful in case of stomach problems. It may happen that stomach problems will appear. Not everyone responds good to the food that we eat at the hotel or restaurant. It is worth knowing that in comparison to Egypt, in Turkey gastric problems are much rarer and less onerous. But it is worth having something that will bring us relief.
  • Calcium and ointment or cream for bites. No worries. It’s about mosquito bites. Yes, unfortunately, mosquitoes are found in some areas of Turkey. So in order not to scratch constantly after their bites, it is worth taking with you the appropriate ointments and calcium.

Of course, all these medicines can be bought in Turkey. However, it should be remembered that the prices of medicines, especially in tourist resorts, are often higher than in our country. That is why it is better to have them with you and … do not use if there is no need. These medicines will not take up much space and they can make holidays in Turkey much more pleasant.

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